Young Giantz – 2000 Ninetiez [EP]

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Their lead single “Western Expedition” bounces back to West Coast gangsta rap with custom low riders and also pays a special tribute to MC Special One from the 90’s duo Conscious Daughters and their 1994 hit “Something To Ride To (Fonky Expedition).” Capitalizing on the heat of the new single, South Central Los Angeles brother and duo known as Young Giantz release their new EP titled, ‘2000 Ninetiez’.

A concept project that celebrates the 25 years of pioneering West Coast Hip-Hop. The 13-track project that respectfully tribute to the classic G-Funk era of West Coast Hip-Hop. Recruiting producer Dae One (Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg), the guys also worked with G-Funk veterans DJ Battlecat and Jelly Roll.

The brothers on new EP:

“2000 Ninetiez is the perfect description of our sound because the 90’s era is why we’re madly in love with music. The authenticity and fearlessness of that time is still very influential to us and we bring that same energy mixed with a freshness of our current time.”

Give ‘2000 Ninetiez’ a listen above, courtesy of Soundcloud.

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