New Music: Cokeboy Zack – 20 Below

Over the past few years, Cokeboy Zack has quietly put together a catalog of music that has yielded him critical acclaim and his own burgeoning fan base. Widely known as the president of Coke Boys and the younger brother of French Montana, Zack has not rested on his laurels. Handling the business aspect of the CB brand while also in the studio, the Moroccan-born artist has collaborated with the likes of Quavo, Belly, Post Malone, Jeremih and of course, his Cokeboys brethren French Montana, Chinx & Velous. Since releasing his “Here’s Half” project back in 2016, Zack has been in the studio working on new material and today he unveils his brand new Brandon Bangerz produced cut titled “20 Below.”

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